Cloudomation DevStack:
The Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Alternative

Cloudomation DevStack is a platform to deploy and manage cloud development environments. Test DevStack up to 1 year for free.

Cloudomation DevStack vs. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces

Feature Cloudomation DevStack Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces
Self-Managed, Managed On-Premise,
Managed Cloud (SaaS)
Managed Cloud (SaaS)
Code stays local, supports
“weird” deployment models
CDEs for OpenShift,
based on Eclipse Che
€ 80,60 / month Infrastructure: € 28,70; Licence: € 41,95; Support flat rate: € 9,95
OpenShift dev spaces are bundled with OpenShift, which
is purchased as an entire cluster with per-hour pricing.
It is impossible to untangle or estimate the price
of one dev space within an OpenShift cluster.
Supported IDEs
All IDEs
(z.B. Visual Studio Code, Jetbrains with
and without SSH, Eclipse, Netbeans,
Web IDEs) How it works: Sources are shared with the RDE via a file mount. The local mount can be accessed by any local editor. SSH-capable IDEs can also be operated on the RDE.
VS Code, JetBrains IDEs
CDE Configuration
Devfile, devcontainer or custom
Applicable for the
development of which type of software
Agnostic: (Almost) any type of software is supported.
Kubernetes-based software
OpenShift CLI
Source Code Access
1. Source code on developers laptops, synchronised
with CDE – no latency, available offline
2. Via ssh
Only via ssh

* Cost estimates were based on the following assumptions: Pricing estimates calculated for 8 core, 16GB ram machine type and 160 hours of CDE runtime / month

Red Hat OpenShift or Cloudomation DevStack - summarised

Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces

Previously called Red Hat CodeReady, Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces is a commercial offering for Eclipse Che.

Red Hat offers it as a standard part of its OpenShift subscription, as a way to deploy development containers alongside application containers into OpenShift.

Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces best for:

  • Organisations that use OpenShift and run their production environments in OpenShift

Cloudomation DevStack

Cloudomation DevStack is a highly customisable CDE product. It’s standard deployment model provides full VMs as CDEs to developers. However, the “unit” of a CDE can be customised to whatever the user needs: CDEs can be containers deployed into a Kubernetes cluster, several VMs, or serverless components – or anything else. Customisation of CDE deployment is done using Cloudomation Engine, a Python-based automation engine with broad infrastructure and deployment automation capabilities. Because of this flexibility, DevStack makes it possible to provide suitable CDEs for frontend, backend, data science, and other teams with different infrastructure needs and deployment models, and is particularly suitable for the development of complex, non-standard and/or heavy duty software

By asking senior developers how they would like to use a CDE, DevStack focused on features that allow seamless transition to using a CDE, without changing developer’s workflows and allowing them to use their existing tool sets. These features include:

  • Synchronisation of the source code between the CDE and the developer’s laptop. Developers have “their hands on the code”, can continue to use any IDE they already have and love, and can work on the code even when offline, reconnecting with their CDE seamlessly when online again. (Note: Synchronisation of source code can be disabled.)
  • A powerful command-line interface (CLI) that allows developers to open a terminal directly on the CDEforward portsstream logs from the CDE / containers running on the CDE VM, synchronise files between their laptop and the CDE (two-way), to create, start, stop, and delete CDEs directly from the terminal, and store their CDE configuration locally so that CDEs can be spun up with one terminal command. 
By allowing developers to keep their local tools and workflows, and enabling interaction with the CDE through the terminal (in addition to a web interface), developers can continue to work very similarly to how they would work if their software was deployed locally. Switching to using a CDE requires no change to developer’s workflows and tools.

Cloudomation is best for:

  • Complex, non-standard and/or heavy duty software development
  • Companies that look for one CDE platform that can provide different kinds of CDEs to different development teams (e.g. working on different products with different deployment models, or backend and frontend teams etc.)
  • Developers with well-working tool sets and development processes that want a CDE that adapts to their workflow and allows seamless transition to working with the CDE


Cloudomation DevStack features at a glance.

Managed Cloud and On-Premise

Decide on your preferred hosting: Self-hosted on premise, managed on-premise or managed cloud (SaaS).

CDEs based on VMs

VM-based development environments in which the software to be developed and all the necessary tools are available.

DevEx first

Built to integrate seamlessly with existing workflows and tool stacks of developers.

Central Configuration

Configure CDEs and which tools are available for your developers.

Powerful CLI

In addition to a web portal, developers can manage their CDEs via the terminal.

Automation Platform

Access to the flexible Python-based automation tool Cloudomation Engine.

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