Full list of CDE vendors
(+ feature comparison table)
Get an in-depth look at how Cloud Development Environments work and compare all the vendors.
Gartner published its new “Hype Cycle” report in mid-August. Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) are included. CDEs offer immediate access to a development environment with minimal setup and configuration effort. However, searching for suitable CDE products and comparing them is tedious. Deciphering the differences and nuances between all the tools takes time and requires extensive research. This whitepaper enables you to get a detailed and precise overview of all the tools. Download it for free and compare em’ all. Effortlessly. Without hours of research.
Key Highlights
- Learn about the main differences between CDE products
- Find out how CDEs really work
- Get an overview of all the CDE vendors, their features & compare them quickly and easily
Margot Mückstein
CEO & Co-founder at Cloudomation